bullet Patricia Ann LAZARZ was born on Mar 21 1949 in Madison, Dane Co., WI;St.Mary's Hos, .. Parents: Edward John LAZARZ and Rosella Genevieve MCCORMICK.

She was married to Warren John CARRIVEAU on May 11 1968 in Madison, Dane Co., WI;St. Bernard's.

bullet Virginia Kay LAZARZ was born on Aug 22 1951 in Madison, Dane County, WI, St Mary's Hosp. Parents: Edward John LAZARZ and Rosella Genevieve MCCORMICK.

She was married to Thomas Kilford JENSEN on Jul 24 1971 in Madison, Dane Co., WI;St. Bernard's.

bullet William Mark LAZARZ was born on Apr 1 1947 in Madison, Dane County, WI. Parents: Edward John LAZARZ and Rosella Genevieve MCCORMICK.

He was married to Marilyn Louise SATHER on Dec 16 1967 in Madison, Dane Co., WI;St. Bernard's.

bullet Betty Jane LEE was born on Jan 21 1925.

She was married to Harlin Martin Johann RATSCH on Jan 20 1949 in Minneapolis MN. Children were: Delores Betty RATSCH, Pamela Ann RATSCH.

bullet Michael LEMKE was born on May 27 1992. Parents: Walter LEMKE and Karen DUGGAN.

bullet Walter LEMKE was born on Jun 24 1961. Parents: William Lloyd LEMKE and Nona Elsa WYMAN.

He was married to Karen DUGGAN. Children were: Michael LEMKE.

bullet William Lloyd LEMKE was born on Feb 19 1934.

He was married to Nona Elsa WYMAN on Dec 8 1958. Children were: Walter LEMKE.

bullet Alanson LEONARD was born on Aug 3 1782. Parents: George LEONARD and Rebecca POND.

bullet Alvin F. LEONARD was born on Feb 11 1836. He died on Jan 6 1920. Parents: George REYNOLDS and Seraph S. POND.

He was married to Marietta BURCH on Oct 25 1800 in Wisconsin.

bullet Didama LEONARD was born on Feb 10 1778 in Whiting, Shoreham, VT. She died in 1823. Parents: George LEONARD and Rebecca POND.

She was married to Silas REYNOLDS on Dec 2 1798 in Shoreham, VT. Children were: Eunice REYNOLDS, Didama REYNOLDS, Electa REYNOLDS, Martha REYNOLDS, Charlotte REYNOLDS, Ephraim REYNOLDS, Susan REYNOLDS, George REYNOLDS.

bullet Elijah LEONARD Parents: Samuel LEONARD and Katherine DEANE.

Children were: George LEONARD .

bulletElizabeth LEONARD was born on Jul 19 1788. Parents: George LEONARD and Rebecca POND.

bullet Ellen Jane LEONARD Parents: George REYNOLDS and Seraph S. POND.

She was married to Chester RYEL on Mar 11 1867 in Minnesota.

bullet Ephraim LEONARD was born on Aug 31 1843. Parents: George REYNOLDS and Seraph S. POND.

bullet Eunice LEONARD was born on Mar 23 1781. Parents: George LEONARD and Rebecca POND.

bullet George LEONARD was born in 1749. Parents: Elijah LEONARD and Hannah LEONARD.

He was married to Rebecca POND in Jan 1775. Children were: Henry LEONARD , George LEONARD, Didama LEONARD, Philip LEONARD, Eunice LEONARD, Alanson LEONARD, Thankful LEONARD, Elizabeth LEONARD.

bullet George LEONARD was born on Sep 26 1776. Parents: George LEONARD and Rebecca POND.

bullet Hannah LEONARD was born in 1731. Parents: Thomas LEONARD and Sarah WALKER.

Children were: George LEONARD.

bulletHenry LEONARD was born on Oct 16 1775. Parents: George LEONARD and Rebecca POND.

bullet Ira B. LEONARD was born on Apr 21 1841. Parents: George REYNOLDS and Seraph S. POND.

He was married to Susan A. ANDERSON on Jul 11 1867.

bullet James LEONARD

Children were: Thomas LEONARD.

bulletJohn LEONARD. Parents: Thomas LEONARD and Mary WATSON.

Children were: Thomas LEONARD .

bulletMartha LEONARD was born on Mar 6 1839. Parents: George REYNOLDS and Seraph S. POND.

bullet Melissa Louise LEONARD was born on Feb 15 1833. Parents: George REYNOLDS and Seraph S. POND.

She was married to William Mills MORSE on Dec 11 1848.

bullet Philip LEONARD was born on Feb 25 1780. Parents: George LEONARD and Rebecca POND.

bullet Rotilla LEONARD was born on Jan 8 1837. Parents: George REYNOLDS and Seraph S. POND.

bullet Samuel LEONARD Parents: Thomas LEONARD and Mary WATSON.

Children were: Elijah LEONARD .

bulletThankful LEONARD was born on Oct 17 1785. Parents: George LEONARD and Rebecca POND.

bullet Thomas LEONARD Parents: James LEONARD and Mary MARTIN.

Children were: Samuel LEONARD , John LEONARD.

bulletThomas LEONARD. Parents: John LEONARD and Mary KING.

Children were: Hannah LEONARD.

bulletSusan Curtis LEOPOLD was born on Jun 2 1953.

She was married to Scott Ryder FREEMAN on Jun 27 1981. Children were: Benjamin Gardner FREEMAN.

bullet Anna LEWINS

Children were: Isabella M. PRESTON, Thomas PRESTON, Walton PRESTON , Isaac PRESTON, William PRESTON, Margaret PRESTON.

bulletAaron Lee LEWIS was born on Mar 21 2000. Parents: Darrin Ray LEWIS and Heidi Y. DISTAD.

bullet Amber Marie LEWIS was born on Apr 20 1984. Parents: Sharon Marie LEWIS.

bullet Barbara Lynn LEWIS was born on Nov 19 1946 in Madison, Dane Co., WI. Parents: Morris Sigurd LEWIS and Bernetta Weldon HILGREN .

She was married to Christopher George JOHNSON on May 24 1969 in Stoughton, Dane Co., WI. Children were: Erik JOHNSON.

bullet Damian Joel LEWIS was born on Feb 10 1994. Parents: Joel Eric LEWIS and Robin ROTT.

bullet Darrin Ray LEWIS was born on Jan 8 1967. Parents: Lyman Lyle LEWIS and Clarine Joyce TREDER.

He was married to Heidi Y. DISTAD in Jul 1993. Children were: Justin Ray LEWIS, Aaron Lee LEWIS.

bullet Debra Lynn LEWIS was born on Aug 16 1958. Parents: Lyman Lyle LEWIS and Clarine Joyce TREDER.

She was married to David John HERBECK on Jul 10 1982. Children were: Ashley Elizabeth HERBECK, Brittany Christine HERBECK.

bullet Desirae Lyn LEWIS was born on Apr 26 1998. Parents: Joel Eric LEWIS and Robin ROTT.

bullet Dylan Cody LEWIS was born on Feb 16 1996. Parents: Joel Eric LEWIS and Robin ROTT.

bullet Elmer Adolph LEWIS died on Jul 22 1957. Parents: Erick A. LEWIS and Emma JOHNSON.

bullet Erick A. LEWIS was born on Jun 24 1863 in McFarland, Dane Co., WI. He died on Feb 15 1942 in Stoughton, Dane Co., WI.

He was married to Emma JOHNSON on Aug 1 1889 in Stoughton, Dane Co., WI. Children were: Elmer Adolph LEWIS, Theodore C. LEWIS, Myrtle LEWIS, Morris Sigurd LEWIS.

bullet James Allen LEWIS was born on Aug 24 1960. Parents: Lyman Lyle LEWIS and Clarine Joyce TREDER.

He was married to Susan L. Kronebusch BOYNTON on May 18 1984. Children were: Nathan James LEWIS.

bullet Jane Ellen LEWIS was born on Nov 2 1961. Parents: Lyman Lyle LEWIS and Clarine Joyce TREDER.

She was married to John Adam CLOBES on Aug 14 1982. Children were: Emily Rochelle CLOBES, John Adam CLOBES.

bullet Joel Eric LEWIS was born on Aug 2 1969. Parents: Lyman Lyle LEWIS and Clarine Joyce TREDER.

He was married to Robin ROTT on Jul 28 1990. Children were: Damian Joel LEWIS, Dylan Cody LEWIS, Desirae Lyn LEWIS.

bullet Justin Ray LEWIS was born on May 7 1994. Parents: Darrin Ray LEWIS and Heidi Y. DISTAD.

bullet Lindsey Rae LEWIS was born on Jan 9 1983. Parents: Sharon Marie LEWIS.

bullet Lyman Lyle LEWIS was born on Nov 23 1937.

He was married to Clarine Joyce TREDER on Feb 8 1958. Children were: Debra Lynn LEWIS, Sharon Marie LEWIS, James Allen LEWIS, Jane Ellen LEWIS, Darrin Ray LEWIS, Joel Eric LEWIS, Tamara Ann LEWIS.

bullet Melinda Kay LEWIS was born on Dec 28 1954 in Stoughton, Dane Co, WI. Parents: Morris Sigurd LEWIS and Bernetta Weldon HILGREN .

bullet Morris Sigurd LEWIS was born on Jul 3 1911 in Stoughton, Dane Co., WI. He died on Aug 28 1978 in Stoughton, Dane Co., WI. Parents: Erick A. LEWIS and Emma JOHNSON.

He was married to Bernetta Weldon HILGREN on Jun 24 1944 in Stoughton, Dane Co., WI. Children were: Barbara Lynn LEWIS , Melinda Kay LEWIS.

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